Saturday, October 24, 2009

My preferences about living in a country described as a "mosaic"

If I had to choose a country to live then I would prefer a country with diverse ethnic groups and races. The advantage of this country is that every ethnic group within a country shares their experiences with other groups and benefits each other. So in this way people of this country unite and create a universal unique nation. The good example of creating this type of country is the formation of the United States. But there are still some problems in the United States to become an ideal society with various ethnic groups. The "mosaic" country where I want to live has equal civil rights and freedom for everyone. Every various group can have their own culture and traditions. There can't be any segregation and inequality despite differences in a race and ethnicity. In this country everyone is respected by other groups and has the same attitude to others. All these aspects are protected not only by strict laws but also morally through education.

I'm a proponent of a democracy, who stands strongly against to any kind of discrimination. So I think in a "mosaic" country, where there are usually no dominating majorities, there will be no racial discrimination, because every ethnic group and race are equal. Also there is a high probability of political equality and everyone's political interest is represented in a country's policy. Everyone has a right to vote and political freedom. In addition, there is also another reason why I wish to live in this type of country. People in a "mosaic" country have also united common culture which makes them feel proud of them altogether and be recognized as a one whole nation. So they are stronger and more patriotic in the world stage rather than other countries.


  1. What you describe sounds ideal! I guess we each need to do our part to make it happen!

  2. your head picture made me curious about NIKE.

    did you find any NIKE speciality stores in Eau Claire?
